Tuesday, September 22, 2009



This is one of those cases where science has really dropped the ball. To the layman, “Theory” equates directly with “Idea.” So the “Idea of Evolution” doesn’t seem to merit very serious consideration. But actually, it’s not an idea; it’s proven. Do you think that if Darwin had only been publishing an idea, it would have taken the world by storm? Even in his time, there was proof. So science could start by cleaning up its language; a word doesn’t mean what it says in the dictionary, it means what people think it means. If you’re talking to the non-scientist, they’re not generally that interested in your “ideas.”

Another flaw in the science; the parents, grandparents and preachers of every stripe who are arguing against you probably did not learn evolution in school. Any good layman’s book on evolution will get across the idea that it’s almost impossible for humans to grasp the times involved in the process of evolution, or what sort of “random chance” could possibly have resulted in human beings. The flaw is, you need to educate the adults before you’ll be allowed to educate the children.

I recommend that anyone who wasn’t taught evolution in school try to read a book on it – or pressure one of these “science” channels to do a really good expose. Sir Richard Dawkins (though he is openly atheist) has a gift for explaining things of a scientific nature so that anyone can understand them, and his many books do a good job. Before you continue arguing against it, you should find out exactly what evolution is.

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