Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Creationists seem to feel that humankind is so perfectly made that his creation couldn’t possibly have been an accident. I take issue with that. Here are some things about humans which are NOT perfect:
1) Our teeth wear and out fall out before we’re done needing them to eat with. Many species have teeth which are replaced all their lives; doesn’t God love us?
2) Our joints wear out long before the need to walk and grasp does.
3) Our bodies age and make it impossible to do things, right when we’re wise enough to know what to do.
4) Our bones are thin and fracture easily.
5) We have no natural defenses against predators – all other creatures do. We don’t even have stink-bombs or cautionary coloring.
6) Wisdom teeth, the appendix, the pinky-toe, male nipples, the blind spot.
7) Since we eat and breathe through the same esophagus, we frequently choke to death.
8) Outside a very narrow temperature range, we die. There are temperatures much greater and much cooler than we can bear, right here on our perfect world.
9) Our eyesight is poor, our sense of smell is abysmal, we have no claws, flat, useless teeth, our jaws aren’t even able to open nuts.
10) We require vitamin C and will die without it, but vitamin C is not abundant in nomadic society, and unlike most animals, we’re unable to synthesize it. Once again it seems God doesn’t love us.
11) Sweet, salty, and fatty foods are bad for our health, but we find them irresistible. Irrationally, vegetables, roots, nuts, legumes and thistles are good for our health, but we find them extremely resistable.

And how to explain the wings of flightless birds? Is that meant as a joke? The “Argument from Perfection” assumes a perfection which is not in evidence.

Creationists have a very hard time with math. When evolutionists say that mutations occurred over many millions of years, they think this means within the last 5,000 years. Since there’s a lovely old tree in Sweden which is 9,500 years old, this thinking is a little out-dated, not to mention it fails to consider the geological evidence for a 13 billion year old earth. But most crucially, they fail to realize that evolution assumes thousands of generations, each one just the tiniest bit different than the last through our own genetic selection by choice, and that of Mother Nature. Viewed from the correct perspective of time, evolution’s arguments hold up, and the timing is supported by all the evidence (with the singular exception of calculations by a medieval monk who decided how old the earth was, based on the Bible, miscalculating even the birthdate of his Savior). The fact that some found fossils have turned out to be fakes is no more relevant than the fact that some children who are prayed over instead of taken for medical care manage to survive. It neither validates nor invalidates either side of the argument. The fact is, only about 5% of the earth’s surface has been subjected to archeological search, so keep watching! Science makes findings and adjustments constantly.

Another argument of creationists is that because the earth is “perfect” for us, the moon is just right, and the sun as well, this means the universe must have been created for us. But actually, the reverse is true. Because the sun was just this distance, we evolved to survive it. Because the moon was exactly this distance, life on earth evolved to take advantage of it. I find it obvious that if the sun were a little farther away we simply would have evolved a little differently. It’s not a miracle of design, but merely a function of design.

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